the 15 days of chinese new year were busy with liondance - as usual - featuring the southern lion, the bringer of good luck and prosperity. most of the time during chinese new year we, that is chin woo, perform with the southern lion, the whitish short haired one, which is really, on grounds of its behaviour rather than size, a little pussy cat - curious, playing with its food, jumpy, and observant. but there are two types of lions, one is the just mentioned southern lion and one is the far less common northern lion.

the orange northen lion on the other hand is not used for the chinese new year blessings in shops, offices and private hourses, but rather for stage performances.
also its character is quite differenly, rather like a dog. it plays with the other lion, plays with a ball and chases it, and so on. now on sunday we will have a performance of the norther lion, so pictures will come, but for now.. the souther lion and the drum....

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