saigon saigon... a crazy city, much larger than i had anticipated, and much more .... words fail me... i suppose it ought to be busy, but then saigon redefines the word busy. busy is bangkok, busy is a orchard road in singapore, busy is frankfurt airport, but saigon is moto-busy, a term that simply has to be created to desribe this place, and maybe all towns in vietnam. virtually no public transport coupled with high prices for cars and low wages make the motorbike the favourite mode of transport.
so popular in fact that the streets are an endless stream of bikes busily snaking along several lanes crossing, overtaking, slowing down, speeding up, turning, going against the traffic... everything goes, only pedestians not! having walked the length and bredth of saigon city in a single day, doing a 400000 steps that add up to 20km and crossing more streets than i could count brought me to the end of my nervs, made me yield, give in, surrender, and finally at 5 o'clock i could not face another junction, not even a lane, i stopped and called a taxi back to my favourite courner cafe to reward myself with a beer saigon...
a reward well earned. and yet, despite it all i love saigon, i have the fondest memories of the town and the people, who made me laugh, especially the girls; paying me compliments in the street, joking in in the market, dancing together in the disco... wonderful memories float back and make me smile as i write these very lines....
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